Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sharing & Caring Hands ~ Feed The Hungry/House The Homeless

Mary Jo Copeland is the Founder & Director of Sharing & Caring Hands of MN.

Over the last 25 years, Mary Jo has been giving her amazing love to the families in desperate need. They come to her for housing, food, shoes, clothes, emergency needs and to find employment.

Mary Jo is truly an angel sent to help others.

She has blessed so many people, and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to meet her.

93% of all the money donated to Sharing & Caring Hands goes directly to the needs of the poor. 

"Total Energy Concepts" awarded Mary Jo Copeland a check from their holiday sales charity program.  The President of Total Energy Concepts is my husband, Doug Overvold.. The Minnesota TEC Team Leaders are Rob Hans and Jeff Conrad.  Thank you for your contribution.

The children at Sharing & Caring Hands were so excited to see my crown and banner.  I have never seen so many smiles and happy faces.  It was truly a humbling experience to be with the children at Mary's Place.

Everyday there are countless volunteers helping to make a difference in the lives of these children.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mrs. Minnesota International 2009 - Tami Krause Monday, November 16, 2009

I had the opportunity to attend the Burnsville Rotary Club Meeting with Tami Krause, the reigning Mrs. Minnesota International 2009.  She spoke on her platform, "Heart of the Matter"  - Tami is an amazing woman, and I was honored to be present to hear her story.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lions Club Of Bloomington ~ Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

I was invited to be the guest speaker at the Lions Club of Bloomington, where the JDRF Corporate Development Coordinator, Kim Bailey, joined me in promoting education and awareness regarding Type 1 Diabetes.  Thank you to Jerry Madir (former President) for making me feel so welcome.

Rotary Club Of Apple Valley ~ Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

Francois Paradeise and John Dusek, III gave me a warm welcome at Encore Restaurant, in Apple Valley. It was an honor to be part of these dedicated community leaders.

The Rotary Club of Apple Valley invited me to share my message about Juvenile Diabetes. Our mission at JDRF is to find the cure through research and development.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Excelsior Rotary Club - Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

I was honored to be a guest speaker for the Excelsior Afternoon Rotary Club. It was a great experience to be part of my community, Excelsior. My goal is to educate my audience, by helping them understand more about the chronic disease of Juvenile Diabetes. Thank you to Jeremy Huisheere and Dick Glover for allowing me the opportunity to be at your meeting.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bloomington Daymakers Rotary Club - Friday - October 23, 2009

I was the guest speaker for the Bloomington Daymakers Rotary Club
Thank you to Dwight Giesler for making all the arrangements.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Diabetes Support Group for Mom's of children with Diabetes - Thursday, October 22, 2009

I attended a support group for mothers with children living with diabetes. The moms shared their experiences on everyday challenges with their diabetic children.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chaska Kiowanis Club - Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I was the guest speaker at the Chaska Kiowanis Club, sharing my platform on juvenile diabetes.  Thank you for the monetary contribution to help support JDRF.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Imagination Gala for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - Saturday, October 3, 2009

Imagine what the world would be one day without diabetes.  The MN/ND JDRF Chapter held its annual Imagination Ball at the Depot Hotel in Minneapolis. Evening festivities included a five-course dinner,  special awards ceremony, live/silent auction, and live entertainment.  It was a spectacular event that gives HOPE to one day finding a cure for diabetes.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Darren Jackson - Chief Executive Officer (Advance Auto Parts)

Over 16 years of partnership with JDRF, Advance Auto Parts has raised more than $16 million dollars for diabetes research foundation. This year $3 million dollars was given directly to help find the cure for diabetes.

If selected as Mrs. Minnesota International 2010, it is my and goal to continue spreading my message in hopes that we will someday live in a world where we can stop, prevent, and reverse this devasting disease.

Juvenile Diabetes Imagination Ball
"Nascar Theme" 

MN/ND Chapter raised nearly $700,000 with the participation of a
silent/live auction.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Seasons Medical Spa - Excelsior, MN - Friday, September 25, 2009

Seasons Medical Spa located in Excelsior, MN

Fall Open House -  Seasons Spa has generously awarded me with a full year of sponsorship for my reign as Mrs. Excelsior.  Thank you so much for all your kindness, friendship, and professionalism. My sincere thanks to Kris Erickson, Kathleen Maier, Kris Estab, and David Zamjahn for all your kindness, friendship, and expertise.  

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Family Time - (Nieces Wedding) Saturday, September 19, 2009

My family .....Logan, (step-son) Susie, and Doug

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mickey and Susie ~ Monday, September 14, 2009

I was inspired ten years ago by my little neighbor girl Mickey, who was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at age 3.  My quest began to teach others about diabetes.  The path to a cure starts with education, and as Mrs. Minnesota,  I will continue spreading my message hoping that we will someday live in a world, where we can stop, prevent, and reverse this devastating disease.

I would thank Mickey for always keeping a smile on your face, and never giving up hope.  Keep up the great work...... You truly are my inspiration.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our One Year Anniversary - August 22, 2009

Celebrating our one year Wedding Anniversary ~ Grand View Lodge
I am so grateful that I found my soul-mate - Thank you Match.Com

Overlooking the beautiful sunset on Marco Island for our honeymoon.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fashion Show ~ Girls Night Out ~ Excelsior, MN Thursday, July 23, 2009

The House of Amore and Fede - Owners: Kim and Debbie ~  Thanks for always making me look fabulous, with your wardrobe selections. 

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Crazy Days in Excelsior ~ Saturday, July 11, 2009

Crazy Days in Excelsior ~ Lots of shopping and great bargains.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mrs. Excelsior ~ Guest speaker ~ Orono Rotary Club - Thursday, July 9th, 2009

I was invited as the guest speaker at the Orono Rotary Club, promoting my platform to raise awareness on Juvenile Diabetes.

Dave Shaughnessy - President of Orono Rotary Club
presents me with a gift for sharing my message.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Awakening Art Show - Benefiting MN Free Arts - Saturday, June 20, 2009

Awakening Art Show - Nick Ruehl, Mayor of Excelsior and myself opened the show by cutting the ribbon to begin the silent auction and art work display.  All proceeds went towards Mn Free Arts helping abused children.

Volunteers:  Angeline Gard (Mrs. Stillwater), Tamara Jett, and Susie Overvold
(Mrs. Excelsior), enjoyed the warm summer day at the Bird House Inn for the Awakening
Art Show.

A big thank you to local artist, Ashley Dull and Mark Nickels, 
Seattle, Washington, for donating their time and service for this benefit.

Mrs. Excelsior is sharing her painting skills for the children
of MN Free Arts.

-Party for the Awakening Art Show - Friday, June 19, 2009

Susie and Doug at the Art Show party

Natalie Hegemo and her husband, hosted the pre-party for the Awakening Art show.
Thank you for all your efforts in making this event possible.

Kim Parameter and Debbie Slusar (owners of The House of
Amore and Fede) showed their support
for the Art Show.

Artist Ashley Dull and Mark Nickels have shared their talents
making this art benefit successful.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mistress of Ceremony ~ Girls Night Out - 80's DIVA Theme night - Thursday, June 18, 2009

Girls night out - 80's Diva costume contest - Susie Overvold (Mistress of Cermony) and her husband, Doug Overvold, enjoy the creativecostumes. Let the good times roll.....

I am pleased to be sponsored by Seasons Medical Spa.  Their team includes: David, Kris, and Kathleen. The community support, as Mrs. Excelsior, has been amazing. Thank you again.

Mrs. Minnesota America - Heather Hall is a guest judge for the 80's diva costume contest.

Mistress of Ceremony (Mrs. Excelsior) - 80's Diva Costume Contest.   All local businesses take part every Thursday evening, during the summer months,  for Girls Night Out.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Art on the Lake - Excelsior, MN - Sunday, June 14, 2009

Art on the Lake ~  Painting by Ashley Dull, Excelsior, MN

Girls Night Out booth partnered with Relay for Life, 
participated in Art on the Lake. This is one of Excelsior's
greatiest summer attractions.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

ART on the LAKE - Excelsior, MN - Saturday, June 13, 2009

Excelsior's annual  summer event - Art on the Lake

I participated, at the Girls Night Out booth and represented my community, as Mrs. Excelsior International. I handed out information regarding summer events in Excelsior.  Promoted Relay for Life along with Juvenile Diabetes.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mrs. Minnesota America Pageant - Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul - Saturday, June 6, 2009

My husband and I attended the Mrs. Minnesota America Pageant and
enjoyed the pageant.  We wanted to show our support for contestants competing
for the title of Mrs. Minnesota America.

Congratulations to Heather Hall - the new Mrs. Minnesota America.

Excelsior Mill - The Depot 25th Anniversary - Sunday, June 7, 2009

Celebration of the Excelsior Mill - 25th Year Anniversary!

I enjoyed helping the Bolles celebrate their 25 years in business. A special thank you to Bob and Diane Bolles for all your many years of service. You both have made the city of Excelsior proud.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Princess Night - Opening Night for the summer of Girls Night Out - Downtown Excelsior - Thursday, June 4, 2009


Thank you to Seasons Medical Spa for your support and loyalty. Kathleen Maier(Aesthetican) and Kris Erickson (Client Specialist) always have a smile and a hug waiting for me.

Excelsior kicks off its opening night of Girls Night Out downtown Excelsior  - Enjoy shopping, fashion, dining, and special girl time.  This happens every Thursday through-out the summer months.  Come enjoy the lakes!!  Myra Wang (committee member)  helps me choose one lucky lady for the grand prize.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anchors Away - Excelsior Downtown Business Group Boat Cruise - Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lady of the Lake - Captain Dan and Mrs. Excelsior

Betty Soreson Owner of Petunia's and Myra Wang Massage Therapist

I was honored to attend the monthly Downtown Business Group Meeting of Excelsior.  I had the opportunity to meet the local business owners, and gain their support for my reign as Mrs. Excelsior.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Juvenile Diabetes MN/ND Chapter - Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

Juvenile Diabetes MN/ND Chapter, invited me to represent JDRF as their Advocate/Spokesperson for this year.

Director Jackie Casey and Corporate Development Director Kim Bailey 

It is our mission to one day find the CURE 

Friday, May 15, 2009

PIGSKIN PASSION Fashion Show ~ Lafayette Country Club

The Viking and Gopher Coaches wives have teamed up for an exciting Brunch and Fashion Show.
Dru Childress, Cathy Brewster and Susie Overvold enjoyed modeling  fashions from local businesses.


I had the opportunity to model fashion wear from: The House of Amore and Fede( Owners Debbie Slusar and Kim Parmater) have been wonderful in helping me with my wardrobe needs.

I modeled a trendy spring dress from The House of Amore and Fede - located in Excelsior, MN

Friday, May 8, 2009

Crown and Banner Ceremony - Susie Overvold named the new Mrs. Excelsior International 2010 - Friday, May 8, 2009

Crown and Banner Ceremony for the new Mrs. Excelsior International  - Susie Overvold.   I was honored to be awarded the opportunity to represent such an amazing community for the year 2009/2010 - as Mrs. Excelsior.

Mrs. Minnesota International 2009 - Tami Krause
Mrs. Excelsior International - Susie Overvold

Mayor of Excelsior, Nick Ruehl,  gave me a warm welcome as, the new Mrs. Excelsior, at Maynards Restaurant on Lake Minnetonka.  He offered his support as I  represent the city of Excelsior..

Mrs. Minnesota International is presenting me with the official banner for Mrs Excelsior International

The reigning Mrs. Excelsior International 2008
Natalie Hegemo

Natalie is passing on the crown

I want to thank my dear family and friends for attending my ceremony, and a special thank-you to my husband, Doug,  for his encouragement and support in making this year successful.