Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sharing & Caring Hands ~ Feed The Hungry/House The Homeless

Mary Jo Copeland is the Founder & Director of Sharing & Caring Hands of MN.

Over the last 25 years, Mary Jo has been giving her amazing love to the families in desperate need. They come to her for housing, food, shoes, clothes, emergency needs and to find employment.

Mary Jo is truly an angel sent to help others.

She has blessed so many people, and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to meet her.

93% of all the money donated to Sharing & Caring Hands goes directly to the needs of the poor. 

"Total Energy Concepts" awarded Mary Jo Copeland a check from their holiday sales charity program.  The President of Total Energy Concepts is my husband, Doug Overvold.. The Minnesota TEC Team Leaders are Rob Hans and Jeff Conrad.  Thank you for your contribution.

The children at Sharing & Caring Hands were so excited to see my crown and banner.  I have never seen so many smiles and happy faces.  It was truly a humbling experience to be with the children at Mary's Place.

Everyday there are countless volunteers helping to make a difference in the lives of these children.