Saturday, May 15, 2010

Clay Spann Photos

Going to Dothan, Alabama for my National Photo Shoot with Clay 
Spann was a highlight after being crowned Mrs. Minnesota International 2010.  It was 
a dream of mine to one day be a star for a day with National Make-up artist and photographer.
Thanks so much to Clay, Joey, and Terri for making my experience a dream come true!!
Clay Spann Photo Shoot
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Clay Spann

" Clay Spann Photo Shoot "
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Mickey and Susie - My Inspritation....

"Mickey" My True Inspiration to help find a CURE FOR 
You are so brave and I am so proud of you my dear little princess.

 Mickey diagnosed with Type I Diabetes at the age of 3..
Since 2000, I have been an active volunteer and advocate 
for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
"A Path to a Cure"
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Alecia Tepp Benefit - Shakopee

"Celebrity Black Jack Dealer" - Benefit for Alecia Tepp
Mr. and Mrs. Minnesota enjoy a wonderful night helping out the local community of Shakopee.........
Enjoy meeting the Miss Shakopee Royalty 
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